End of Week 22 Notes

Posted by Rhyd Lewis on May 31, 2024 · 1 min read

Notes for this week…

🏃 Running

  • Running on Tuesday and Friday this week plus long run on Sunday
  • Weeks til half marathon: 5

🎸 Music

  • As per usual, I’ve parked work on 1 song to work on another… happy with the outline for it though and got a decent idea for a theme. Struggling with my vocal range though (what a surprise).
  • Saw friends performing at an open mic and decided that I’d give it a crack too.

📦 Projects

  • Created portfolio view of current commitments - 1 level up from my Personal Kanban board.
  • Play tested board game idea. Good feedback, v2 to follow.


  • Trip out on Monday to the cinema
  • Day trip on Thursday to London for all the activities with the boys: F1 Arcade, Shuffleboard, Ping Pong and Mini-Golf. Great fun.

Header photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash