Week Beginning 29 July Notes

Posted by Rhyd Lewis on July 29, 2024 · 1 min read

What the blazes is this? Notes for the week at the start of the week? That’s precisely what’s in store. I’m listening to Jellybelly by The Smashing Pumpkins as I type (best bit: repeated snare hit at 2:03… no, it is).

Some classic procrastination last week as I avoided finishing 1 entMOOT song in preference of starting another. Classic. I was hooning about with a chord progression and found the sound of it worked well with a Super Saw pad. A few hours later and I had the workings of an outline. A few more hours and I’m happy with the initial results. Another few passes and it’ll be ready for a mix.

Screenshot of Logic Pro

Slow going on the running front. I ran a half marathon at the start of July (2h 6m - slower than I wanted but the wind was mental and I had a bit of jip with the right knee). I’ll re-run the same event in November so it’ll be time to start a new training plan soon.

Header photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash