End of Week 19 Notes

Posted by Rhyd Lewis on May 10, 2024 · 1 min read

Here’s a summary of this week’s notes, something I’m experimenting with for the foreseeable future…

🏃 Running

  • Ran the Whitstable 10k on Monday in 55 mins dead. Not bad, but not a PB.
  • Early morning run on Weds and on Fri

🎸 Music

  • Current WIP song:
    • sounds too muddy, I’ve got too much going on
    • rejigged lyrics, now I need to re-record
  • Cover from a film soundtrack I started in 2020 is back on the front burner. Outline is there. Need to add guitars next.

📦 Projects

  • Updated this site to fix some tagging snags and a quick mod to the About page
  • Experimented with Hugo, Gatsby and 11ty as possible replacement static site generators. Not convinced it’s worth the effort to migrate.

📤 Work

  • Multiple iterations on a pitch to a potential client
  • Travelled to Bristol for a co-working day

🤔 Also…

Header photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash