End of Week 20 Notes

Posted by Rhyd Lewis on May 17, 2024 · 1 min read

This week’s most salient of notes…

🏃 Running

  • Late Monday and early Wednesday runs this week with 1 more to do on Sunday

🎸 Music

  • Current WIP song - haven’t yet re-recorded vocals (I wonder why I put this off so much 🤔)
  • Film soundtrack cover guitars added but sound rubbish. Back to the drawing board.

📦 Projects

  • Continued with experiment with 11ty as possible replacement static site generator but have decided that it’ll take too much time. To the 🗑️ with you.
  • Experimented with Yearful as a tool to visualise the entire year

📤 Work

  • 2 day course: Applying Scaled Portfolio Kanban

Header photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash